Submission Rules

Causes may not aim to limit, inhibit, rescind, or otherwise hinder the rights of others.

Pillars can be used to support all sorts of things in various spheres. While some Causes may conflict with the personal views or desires of some members of the Pillars team, we will do our best to help accomplish the desires of our partner subscribers (you). However, we will not support or further any Cause which seeks to tread on the rights of others.

Causes can’t fundraise for charity.

While Pillars supports nonprofits and nonprofits are welcome to launch Causes on Pillars, Causes can’t promise to raise funds to donate to a charity or nonprofit directly. Funds raised on Pillars are used to pay lobbyists to try and get Congress to take action. Congress may choose to establish a fund or institution which supports particular charitable causes, and that may be advocated for, but funds raised on Pillars may not be directly aimed at a charity.


Causes must be honest, relatively simple, and clearly presented.

Our community is built on trust and communication. Causes can’t mislead people or misrepresent facts, and Cause-raisers should be candid about what they propose. When a Cause claims economic benefits or other quantifiable results, we require Cause-raisers to provide legitimate sources for their claims. 

Legitimate sources should be peer-reviewed if possible, and articles should be scholarly. If a Cause proposes a change that is highly contentious or reasonable minds disagree as to its efficacy, the Cause should make that clear and not portray their side as ultimate truth or be otherwise misleading.

Misleading statements include but are not limited to false statements, statements with a high degree of uncertainty as to their veracity, libelous statements, or articles which contain any of the same.